Thursday, June 03, 2004

They're pumping more of SOMETHING...

So I've been reading about OPEC and how they're trying to pump out more oil to "stabilize" oil prices. Yeah... right.... uh-huh.

Okay, first of all, if the Arab nations want to "stabilize" oil prices, they first have to make sure their extremists don't pull a Helter Skelter act like they did this past weeeknd. We found, convicted, and put our Charles Manson in prison. King Faoud now has to do his part with his version of Manson. (And folks, I said CHARLES Manson, not MARILYN Manson. There is a difference.) Those four "vigilantes" didn't go there alone. They had help. They had encouragement from some cleric. That's your Manson.

Second, OPEC can pump their fields dry and it STILL will not cut down on prices at the gas pump! There are several factors involved in that, most notably being the lack of refineries

Third, if Bush Junior REALLY wanted to do something about the price at the pump, he should have suspended those damned EPA rules! 50 states with multiple gas refinery standards is demented! The Periodic Table of Elements do not change from one state to another. The chemical composition of smog does not change from one state to another. There should be ONE standard for refining gas. PERIOD!

Fourth, if Bush Junior STILL REALLY wanted to do something about the price at the pump, he should have eliminated that $100,000 tax exemption for SUV buyers and give it instead to anyone who buys a fuel-efficient car! That'll change the attitudes over in Detroit real quickly!

What OPEC really wants is not for oil prices to drop... just to stay the same for a while. Then they can rake in the big bucks.

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