Sunday, December 21, 2008

Helping out a couple of friends...

Okay... it's no big secret that I am a friend of a certain Playmate from New Hampshire (there's only one so far), so I get this email from TC Restani, who does a Boston-based interview and variety show, and he asked me if there is any way I could promote the YouTube footage of his two-part interview with Model and Businesswoman Jenny Lavoie. TC would like to make his interview segments the most popular there is, so he asked if there was anything I could do to help.

Hey, from one media personality to another, why not?

Here's part 1 of his interview with Jenny...

And here's Part 2...

And if you want more I have a full playlist set up of some of her other YouTube appearances. (Don't worry, they don't show anything beyond PG!)

Hope this helps, TC!

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