Saturday, December 18, 2010

Seasonal LIES

With the HOLIDAY (F.O.A.D. O'REILLY) Season in full swing, now is the time we start to get barraged with emails from "well-intentioned" friends and family members.

Some of these emails will be cute little cheesy messages offering well-wishes. Others will be smarky stories about the season. Still more will interject pseudo-patriotic guilt, reminding people that we have soldiers in harm's way, oh, and bad guys still want to do harm (never mind that the REALLY bad guys are the ones inside the United States who dream up ways to keep us afraid and get itty-bitty Yule logs in their pants when they can get us to tremble).

But then we have the ones that send seasonal LIES. The continual retelling of history that is more fiction than fact.

And to combat the LIES, I turn to a group that spend its time doing what CERTAIN news groups (*coughFOX*) fail to do, namely fact-check! (Hey Rupert: your employees find any more breaking news stories from THE ONION?) That fact-checking group is SNOPES.

So the next time someone you know forwards some "seasonal secrets" about the HOLIDAY (F.O.A.D. Neo-Cons!) season, just direct your browser to this address...

And YOU find out if it's the truth or just another Neo-Con fantasy.

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