Friday, August 18, 2006

What if 9/11 Never Happened?

Came across an interesting series of "what if" stories about what the world would be like if 9/11 never happened.

Here’s the link for you to check it out yourself.

I found some of the articles too unrealistic, though. Gas would be at $20 a gallon? No, I’m sorry, but I don’t think that would have been the case. We still would have had to deal with hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the runaway oil prices probably would still be a problem. You wouldn’t recognize New York? Again, no, I don’t think so. I think if anything that Thug Giuliani would have been seen in the proper light. There wouldn’t be any presidential aspirations from him. He wouldn’t have been canonized as the "savior" of New York. He would have simply vanished into obscurity where he belonged.

Someone was saying that RoboBore would have been president. No, I’m sorry, but Robobore wouldn’t have had a chance in 2004. John Kerry probably would have won in 2004, but not RoboBore, and it probably would have been another Florida-style squeaker in Ohio.

We still would have had to deal with a financial recession from 2001. We still would have had to deal with Enron and WorldCom. We still would have had to deal with North Korea’s deception regarding nuclear weapons.

In fact, I’ll probably end up doing my own "alternate history" rant in the next few weeks, so I’ll just leave it here with the link and ask that you check out the stories and keep an open mind and let me know what you think of it all.

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