Saturday, August 05, 2006

Quick rant: STUPID Television News DITZ!

Okay folks, quick rant… I’m cutting through with the TV channels while I’m doing dinner and I catch the local Fox-affiliate news teaser who wraps up her news tease this way…

"And WHEN will the rain end? Find out tonight at 10!"

WHEN will it end? You stupid DITZ! Why the hell are you asking when it will END? You should be asking whether it would be sticking around for a little while longer!

Listen, folks, we’ve just spent a couple of weeks with nothing but unbearably HOT summer weather! We’re talking SCORCHING heat! The kind of heat that taxes electrical grids. The kind of heat the puts people in the HOSPITAL! The kind of heat that pushes air conditioners to the breaking point.

WE NEED THE RAIN! We need the rain to break the heat wave! We need the water to replenish the stuff that was maliciously drained from Lake Lanier a few months ago! Am I getting through here?

And this news DITZ wants to ask when will it END? PLEASE!

Okay, in all fairness, the ditz in front of the camera is probably just a paid parrot, mindlessly droning on what some stupid copywriter put on the teleprompter, and no doubt having it rain will put a crimp on their Saturday night plans. Well too bad, you nameless study-at-home journalist minor, you gotta deal with wet weather! Suck it up and be thankful that we HAVE this respite from record high temperatures and scorching heat indexes. Less heat means less of a demand on our energy, which means less we have to pay the electric company. And maybe you’ll remember that little tidbit when you’re brainstorming for the next news teaser!

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