Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Quick thoughts on Israel/Lebanon "War"

Okay, folks, I’m getting ready to do my weekly audio rant, but I had to get a few quick words in about this very violent pissing contest between Israel and Lebanon.

First: Lebanon, you’ve got a problem. That problem is Hezbollah, or Hizbollah, or whatever you want to call them, but they’re basically Ebola as far as I’m concerned. They’re the ones that are launching missiles into Israel. They’re the ones carrying out blatant acts of terrorism against Israel. They’re the ones taking hostages and then running back into Lebanon and flipping the bird at Israel. Did you ACTUALLY THINK that Israel would simply allow these ACTS OF WAR go unchallenged?

I don’t care how many acts of charity Hezbollah puts in… they’re still terrorists! And their terrorist acts, being committed in Lebanon against a neighboring country, are considered an ACT OF WAR by Lebanon! I don’t care if Hezbollah refuses to recognize the existence of Israel! I don’t care if every citizen in Lebanon refuses to recognize the existence of Israel! The people of ISRAEL know that they exist and they will do everything in their power to stop the acts of war made against them!

Remember Afghanistan? Remember what happened after the Taliban took over and they allowed a certain terrorist organization to run wild there? Because the Taliban aided and abetted al Qaeda in their terrorist activities, the United States went to WAR on the whole country!

Well guess what, people of Lebanon? You’re the new Afghanistan, and Hezbollah is the new al Qaeda! You want the bombs to stop? Give up Hezbollah. You want the tanks to leave? Give up Hezbollah. You want to stop pissing away what you spent all of this time trying to rebuild after DECADES of violence? Give up Hezbollah. It’s that simple. Whether or not you want to make it that simple is up to you.

Second: I am appalled…. APPALLED… that ANY country would even ASK that the United States step in to stop the fighting! Seriously!

I’ll break it down for you… Israel is exercising the same right of self-defense that the United States used in 2001 against Afghanistan, and again in 2003 to go into Iraq. Whether or not you agree with the reasons given or the information provided to justify going into Iraq is irrelevant! It happened! It got used! And now Israel is using it to defend their northern border.

So the United States is NOT IN ANY POSITION WHATSOEVER to tell any other nation how to act in this kind of situation! We quite simply no longer have the moral high ground. It got pissed away by all of that "with us or against us" rhetoric. Sorry Saudi Arabia, you can hold Junior’s hand and sing him the Mockingbird lullaby all you want to, but it won’t change a single thing.

Third: Why the hell is the United Nations bitching and crying about their outposts getting bombed? YOU’RE IN A WAR ZONE, IDIOTS! You know… the very thing that you were sent there back in 1978 to PREVENT? You haven’t really done a good job of it, have you?

Tell you what, why don’t you do yourselves a favor and go home until the bombing stops? Pack your little baby blue piss pots…pack your little baby blue vests… and go home to mommy and daddy. Then you can sneak on back afterwards and pat yourselves on the back and continue to claim that you’re doing a good job at keeping the peace. I promise, nobody will ever know the difference if you’re there or not!

If the United Nations really wanted to do something about this problem to keep the peace, then THEY should have stepped in to put an end to this Hezbollah crap from DAY ONE! They’re already there, they already have the lay of the land, and they have guns! Why didn’t they act?

But then again, that would show initiative, wouldn’t it? That’s a quality that the UN apparently doesn’t have. The United Nations today is spineless, brainless, dickless, dishonorable, disgusting, corrupt, and - more than anything else - USELESS!

Fourth: ANY attempt to bring a peace to that area without first eliminating Hezbollah is useless! All you’re doing is delaying the inevitable, which is what Hezbollah wants, which is what Iran and Syria want, and which is what Islamic terrorists all around the Middle East want… which is an all-out holy war against Israel. Given the stakes, I seriously doubt that Israel will be willing to put an end to that conflict without first getting back their soldiers and then eliminating Hezbollah once and for all.

Fifth: Okay folks, let’s get ready for higher gas prices again! You know it’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of time. They’ve already been creeping up these past few days, and it’s not going to stop.

Well that’s it… time to get back to doing the audio rant. As always, your comments are appreciated, whether you agree with me or not.

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