Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Brutally Honest Rant - 07/19/06

Brutally Honest Audio Rant: Junior’s Veto Virginity
Audio Transcripts

[Start Program]

(Computer – Introduction)
(Music intro – "American Idiot Remix" – by Green Day and David Matthews 2)

Good evening, and welcome to this week’s Brutally Honest Rant. I’m David Matthews 2, writer of the weekly online column Brutally Honest.

There’s a first time for everything… or so the old saying goes… and my friends, we are witnessing a first time right now!

President Bush has done something that everyone had HOPED he would do a long time ago… he BROKE his veto virginity!

Yeah, you didn’t realize it didn’t you? George W. Bush, the self-professed "uniter" and the self-described "decider" and the man that just about every conservative and theocrat believes is the closest thing to the second coming of Jesus Christ as you can get, had NEVER EVER ISSUED A SINGLE VETO until today! Never did it. Never had to. He’s always signed anything put before him right into law. Questioned some of the stuff? A few of them. But he always signed them nonetheless. Even the bills that he didn’t like, he still signed them.

Well NO MORE, my friends. Apparently the king of Cowboy Diplomacy has found the ONE SINGLE BILL that he absolutely WILL NOT SIGN! Not only did he NOT sign it into law, but he actually BROKE his VETO VIRGINITY to do it!

Now you’d think that this must be a PRETTY SERIOUS ISSUE, right? Something that must THREATEN the stability of the nation, right? Maybe something to do with keeping Congress in check when it comes to their reckless spending, right?


You want to know what that issue is? STEM CELL RESEARCH!

The bill that Bush Junior broke his Veto Virginity on was about allowing federal funds to be used for stem cell research using embryos from fertility clinics that are ALREADY SLATED to be destroyed!

For those of you who truly think that Sean Hannity is the "baby Jesus", here’s a really simple explanation of the issue, and I’ll use simple words so it won’t tax your brains.

A man and a woman go to a clinic because they can’t make a baby by themselves. So the man gives up a little bit of his man-stuff, and the woman gives up a little bit of her woman-stuff, and the doctor takes these little bits and puts them together to make a whole bunch of little embryos. Those aren’t babies, mind you! Not yet anyway. Those little embryos get frozen and put in storage because they can’t survive all by themselves. They won’t become babies unless and until they’re put in the woman. The doctor puts one of the embryos into the woman, makes sure that it works, and then they wait nine months for it to become an actual baby.

So what happens with the rest of the embryos? You can’t keep them in storage forever. And we’re not talking maybe one or two. No, we’re talking about A DOZEN of embryos per couple. The doctors NEED that many embryos to make sure that it all works. So guess what happens? After the first or second or third embryo attempt succeeds, you really don’t need the rest of them. So you can either keep the rest on ice, or you toss them in with the rest of the biological waste. You wanna pay for the liquid nitrogen to keep them on ice indefinitely? The stuff is NOT cheap!

Are you with me so far? Remember, I’m using simple language that even someone from Numbnuts Alabama would follow.

So here comes this idea: if researchers are looking for stem cells for their research, why not get them from the embryos that are ALREADY slated to be destroyed? It makes sense, doesn’t it?

Well, you couldn’t do it… because President Bush issued an executive order back in 2001 that forbid the use of federal funds for any research that does it. Why? Because a collection of conservative and theocratic extremists told him to, that’s why!

THAT, my friends, is what OUR PRESIDENT broke his veto cherry on!

Now I’m glad that our Dufus-In-Chief has decided to exercise his veto power at SOME point in his two terms in office. He’s only been threatening to exercise it for the past few years, but he’s always wimped out.

So you’d think that of ALL of the issues that are put before his desk that he could break his veto cherry on that the first one would be something of serious importance to the whole country! That, my friends, is what really bothers me!

We’ve had a whole bunch of spending bills go before the White House where BILLIONS were tacked on to them in pure PORK programs. Junior would tell Congress not to do it, Congress did it anyway, and the Dufus-In-Chief simply put his DUBYA on each and every one of them! Where was his resolve? Where was that "fiscal responsibility" that conservatives LOVE to brag about? Where was that… dare I say it… AMERICAN VALUE? Or doesn’t fiscal responsibility count as a value to the conservatives anymore?

We’ve had bills go before the White House that were questionable. Bills that even the White House didn’t want passed. But Junior signed them anyway. Where were his PRINCIPLES then?

And yet, here we have the self-appointed "uniter" FINALLY exercising his veto power, and it’s done ONLY to appease the extremist religious and ultra-conservative zealots! Even anti-abortion CONSERVATIVES were scratching their heads over this act of blatant political PANDERING and wondering why the hell they backed this redneck!

Let’s get brutally honest here… if there was ever a consensus decision that could be made about this issue, this was it… and George W. Bush just PISSED IT AWAY so just he can appease his extremist friends.

Let’s think about this for a minute… frozen embryos that will not be used are going to get destroyed. That is a bitter REALITY. There is opportunity to use those embryos that ARE slated for destruction for research that COULD produce something GOOD. Even some anti-abortion protesters think that this is something that they can work with.

Now if Junior wants to cling to this MYTH of his that every frozen embryo can find a home, he’s more than welcome to believe it. But the REALITY of the matter is that you’re not going to find enough homes for the task. Those discarded frozen embryos will still go WASTED… all just to satisfy his dwindling group of supporters and to satisfy his egotistical delusion of always being right.

(Computer – some timely Bushisms)
(Fade Music In – "Mythodea" by Vangelis)

I’ve got news for the White House… THERE WILL be political CONSEQUENCES for this matter! The Dufus-In-Chief doesn’t realize it yet but this decision to PANDER to his elitist friends is already being tallied up not just against him, but against Republicans in general. Remember: the President is more than just the country’s leader, but he’s also the biggest symbol for his political party. When he shines, the party shines. When he screws up, the party screws up.

If the Democrats ever needed a campaign for their November campaign, all they have to do is point at the White House and tell the American people that THEY would keep Junior honest! And whether or not the Democrats actually could do it (and it’s doubtful given the current crop of players) really doesn’t matter at this point. The president’s actions will be remembered this November, and this action alone could very easily cost the GOP their control of Congress in November!

I hope Junior can sleep soundly tonight… because this fall, he may be facing a lot of sleepless nights over the things he’s done.


Brutally Honest is a Get Brutal production, all opinions expressed are those of the commentator, and may or may not be shared by the online provider. This is David Matthews 2 saying good night, and I’ll speak with you soon!

(Fade out)
(Computer – Ending/"End of Recording")

[End of program]

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