Sunday, January 12, 2014

Getting Ready For Another Year Of Commentary

Hey everyone!

Hope you all had a better holiday season than I did. The past few weeks have been very trying for me in terms of my father's health and just the usual stupidity that goes on around this time.

Next Monday will be the start of another year of weekly Brutally Honest commentary, which you can find over at the column site.  I already know what the subject will be, so it's just a matter of putting it to words and then getting it ready to be posted.

As for the audio rants... well, that won't be ready yet... if at all.

There are a few reasons for this.

My father's health is one.  I am putting in long hours at work on my feet, and then coming home and helping my father, which has not been easy of late, and it has been eating into the things I would normally be doing.

Work is another key reason.  Again, I'm putting in eight hours a day on my feet.  When I did the radio show, I at least could rely on some spontaneous news reports and callers.  But I barely had time to spend doing the prepared rants.  And that was for a live show that had very little preparation otherwise. 

Doing prerecorded audio rants takes a considerable amount of production time, even for something as short a ten or fifteen minutes long.  And I am very much a perfectionist when it comes to these things.  That's why I get the kind of compliments I receive... for those that do listen.  If I can't provide that kind of quality on a regular basis, then I'm wasting my time and yours.

Plus I still don't know what I want the new production to be... do I want to resume the Brutally Honest audio rants?  Do I want to try to get a live show going somewhere?  Do I want to take the short-lived "Hero Corner" bit on and bring it to the next level?  Do I want to do audio... or video?  Too many things for me to ponder and work on if I want to move forward with it.

So, right now that's on hold.  I'll let you know what I'm leaning towards.

Plus, don't forget I still have my comic book productions going on over at Battlerock Comics.  That also takes time, which I have very little of nowadays.  The latest issue of "Future's Guardian" goes online on January 15th.  And there's also something very "strange" that was posted there on Christmas Day.  Think you know what it means?

Oh, and remember AHTV?  Well, if you haven't had the chance to watch "You Hired Me", then here's your chance.  Be sure to check out my debut as "David 2.1" and see why I have a face for radio.  If you like it, share it with others, and if you don't, then say so in the comments section there.

Well, that's what I have so far to start 2014... so stay tuned and get ready for continue seventeen years of Brutally Honest commentary!

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