Friday, July 11, 2008

Brutally Honest on ShockNet - 07/12/08 Show Notes

Quick, what does a spouse-beater and a tyrant have in common? Well you might have a clue, but this week I lay it all out for you to ponder.

Plus, it's the return of "Off the Wire", the return of Washington's own Elmer Fudd, and a whole bunch of new recipients of the "Unflushed Awards", including one from a certain ad campaign that I'm sure has made you want to do something other than what they originally intended.

All of that is THIS SATURDAY from 7-8pm Eastern time on ShockNet Radio, and simulcast on Freethought Radio and Apple's iTunes radio player under both the "Talk/Spoken Word" and "Classic Rock" categories.

Brutally Honest... The new heresy begins here!

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